About us

Welcome to LexTrust LLC

At LexTrust LLC, we are specialized in providing specific legal services to meet clients needs. Licensed by the Kosovo Bar Association, we have the authority to represent clients in all courts across Kosovo.

Moreover, we are proud to be a Registered Industrial Property Agent Representative at the Kosovo IP Office. This enables us to offer representation to foreign legal entities who lack the legal capacity to act in Kosovo, particularly in matters pertaining to intellectual property.

With a wealth of experience in commercial disputes, court representation, contract negotiations, and intellectual property rights, our team is equipped to handle a wide range of legal matters. We have worked extensively with regional and international organizations, providing expert legal counsel tailored to their unique requirements.

LexTrust through its staff in various countries represents clients in trademark applications at the European Intellectual Property Office in Alicante in Spain, the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and in all other regional countries. Additionally, we assist clients in patent applications at the European Patent Office in Munich, Germany, and The Hague, Netherlands.

From trademark and patent applications to enforcement procedures before Customs, Police, and Prosecutors, LexTrust LLC is committed to providing comprehensive legal support. Our team stands ready to represent both local and international clients, ensuring their interests are protected across various jurisdictions.

Our staff has extensive experience in:

  • Legal advisory services
  • Contract drafting and negotiations
  • Legal representation
  • Strategic planning and decision making
  • Business consultancy
  • Legal research and policy analysis
  • Innovation & Research and Development
  • Knowledge Management
  • Anti-Corruption

Our staff has previously worked with:

  • European Knowledge and Technology Transfer Society – EUKTS aisbl in Brussels
  • European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich
  • Several European Union Technical Assistance Projects
  • Bulgarian Patent Office
  • Danish Patent and Trademark Office
  • Several European Union Intellectual Property Projects.
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • World Bank Group & International Financial Corporation (IFC)

Our Staff:


Attorney at Law & Managing Director of LexTrust

Veli is a graduate from Maastricht University, Faculty of Law, advanced master studies in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management LL.M.

Veli is a certified Attorney at Law and Legal Expert with experience in various national and international projects with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank Group and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the European Knowledge and Technology Transfer Society – EUKTS aisbl in Brussels, the European Patent Office (EPO), and several European Union projects in Kosovo and the region.

Veli has also worked as a lecturer of four courses related to intellectual property rights at the University for Business and Technology, in collaboration with the University of Warsaw.

Veli is the Managing Director & Lawyer at LexTrust LLC. A specialized Law Firm in Intellectual Property and Commercial Law, dedicated and experienced in copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, representation in court and before administrative and law enforcement institutions, to ensure maximum protection against infringements and unauthorized use.


Founder and managing director of PatentMind Netherlands

With a long track record of professional excellence in patenting and in-depth knowledge of the European Patent Convention (EPC), Yannis looks back at 30 years of work experience at the European Patent Office (EPO). As a Director Patent Granting Process for 17 years he has trained generations of patent examiners and professionals and has managed examination and opposition in the software and artificial intelligence (AI) field.

Most importantly, Yannis has co-drafted the EPO guidelines for the examination of software and AI inventions. Yannis aligns with his clients’ business objectives and supports them, achieving results that, at first glance, seem unattainable. Equipped with a thorough understanding of how the EPO examiners think and argue, Yannis can help you get the IP you need in the most efficient and cost-effective way.

Yannis is an associate and collaborates with LexTrust LLC on case to case basis.

Evgeniya TABOVA

Intellectual Property Rights Expert & EUIPO IP Representative

Evgeniya Tabova is an industrial property representative in the fields of patents and utility models, as well as trademarks and industrial design. She is a certified electrical engineer in automation and telemechanics, and holds a postgraduate qualification in patent law.

Evgeniya has more than 30 years of experience in the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria as a patent and a state expert. She was appointed a head of the “Disputes” department of the Patent Office of Republic of Bulgaria and oversaw all aspects of its operation.

Evgeniya also completed several European Union intellectual property projects as a team leader in Kosovo, Albania and Turkey.

Evgeniya is a license IP Representative before the European Intellectual Property Office in Alicante, Spain.

Kenneth WRIGHT

Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Expert

Kenneth Wright has previously served as a senior police officer but for the last 24 years has worked with Governments and the private sector – in over 70 countries – to protect and enforce intellectual property (IP).

During this period, he has been employed to assess legislation, draft legislation, prepare impact studies, create national strategies, implement national action plans, develop cooperation models, undertake training needs assessments, organise seminars, deliver training, build statistical models, draft best practice handbooks, plan awareness campaigns, develop IT solutions and coordinate investigations.

Kenneth Wright also has five years’ experience of managing different international IP projects as a Team Leader.


Tanita is the Business Analyst and Finance Manager at LexTrust LLC. She is a technology enthusiast, specializing in the field of Information System Management, currently completing advanced master’s studies in Information Systems Management.

Tanita is the Executive Director of Kosovo Institute of Intellectual Property [KsIIP], KsIIP is a non-for-profit Association established in Kosovo, with its mission to promote the intellectual property rights in Kosovo and in the region. For this matter, KsIIP works closely with various national and international experts in this area.

Tanita is also the Managing Director and Owner of Kona AL LLC. Kona AL LLC is a company equipped with expertise in various digital platforms and is committed to providing innovative solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of clients in various sectors of information technology development.


Accountant & Certified Auditor

Ndrec is the Accountant for the LexTrust LLC in charge of financial matters. Ndrec is a Certified Accountant and Certified Auditor with various training in this field. Ndrec is certified by the Society of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo.

Ndrec is a founding member and the former President of the Kosovo Rugby Federation.