Geographical Indications and the Use of Products as Collateral by Financial and Microfinance Institutions

Geographical Indications and the Use of Products as Collateral by Financial and Microfinance Institutions

In an era where global markets are becoming increasingly competitive, the preservation and protection of traditional and authentic products are of particular importance. One of the most effective ways to ensure this protection is through geographical indicators, which are not just labels but symbols of quality and authenticity closely linked to a specific geographical area. While trademarks represent a particular company, geographical indications, through a group of producers, represent the region and the country they come from. Therefore, many countries support groups of producers of specific products that, through quality, distinctive production features, and knowledge inherited over years or centuries, proudly represent the culture and tradition of the region and the country. While in the European Union, there are specific national funds to support groups of traditional product producers, Kosovo…
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LexTrust Law Firm Joins the 12th ICT Awards in Tirana, Albania

LexTrust Law Firm Joins the 12th ICT Awards in Tirana, Albania

LexTrust Law Firm is thrilled to announce its participation in the 12th edition of the ICT Awards, set to take place in Tirana, Albania. As a law firm specializing in technology and intellectual property law, LexTrust is honored to be part of this prestigious event that celebrates excellence in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Celebrating Innovation and Excellence The ICT Awards is a renowned event in the Albanian tech landscape, recognizing and honoring the most outstanding achievements in the ICT sector. From innovative startups to established companies pushing the boundaries of technology, the awards highlight the contributions of individuals and organizations that drive progress and innovation. LexTrust's participation underscores its commitment to supporting and advancing the ICT industry through comprehensive legal services. LexTrust's Role in the ICT…
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Guidelines on examination procedure for  Geographical Indications

Guidelines on examination procedure for Geographical Indications

Attorney at Law, Veli HOTI, took part at the presentation of the Guidelines on examination procedure for the Geographical Indications in Kosovo, pursuant to the Law No. 05/l -051 on geographical indications and designations of origin, and the other sub-legal acts currently in power in Kosovo. Members of the Commission in charge of examining Agricultural GI applications and other representatives of the Industrial Property Agency of Kosovo were presented with the Guidelines, followed by a training in PDOs, PGIs, and TSG in general. This activity is organized as part of the Human Development Capacity Facility (HCDF) co-financed by the Kingdom of Norway and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.These Guidelines are to be used by the IP Agency in all GI applications. Article at KIPA :,10,180#
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Data Laws and AI Challenge: Finding the Balance in Digital Age

Data Laws and AI Challenge: Finding the Balance in Digital Age

In today's digitally-driven world, data is often hailed as the new oil, fueling innovation, and driving economic growth. However, the vast reservoirs of data come with their own set of challenges, especially when it intersects with the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). As governments worldwide grapple with regulating data usage and AI development, navigating the complex landscape of data laws and AI challenges has become paramount. The Evolution of Data Laws Data laws have evolved significantly in response to the proliferation of digital technologies and the increasing concerns over data privacy and security. Initiatives such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States have set stringent standards for how organizations collect, store, and process personal data. These…
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Challenges of Implementation of Cybersecurity Policies and Regulations

Challenges of Implementation of Cybersecurity Policies and Regulations

Our staff member Tanita Krasniqi has presented her research paper on the topic: “Challenges of Cybersecurity Policies and Regulations - Implementation in Developing Countries” at the International Conference on Information Systems organized by University of Business and Technology. Among other findings, Tanita pointed out that: Cyber attacks are among the biggest threats to international security; the entire field of international cyber law is still unclear and not homogeneous; and it is essential to create an effective defense in which the main role is that of prevention, international cooperation and the adoption of internationally recognized norms. In an era where legal practices are increasingly digitized, the importance of cybersecurity in law firms cannot be overstressed. Safeguarding client trust, protecting intellectual property, securing financial transactions, preserving case integrity, and ensuring compliance with legal obligations…
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Technology Transfer, University vs Industry Relations and the Economic Impact in Kosovo

Technology Transfer, University vs Industry Relations and the Economic Impact in Kosovo

The importance of Technology Transfer and the University’s cooperation with Industry, was the topic that LexTrust lectured at the Faculty of Economics – University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren. Students were taught, among other things, how lawyers, economists and engineers should cooperate to benefit and materialize their knowledge, their inventions, with deep insights and real-world examples. The speaker highlighted the key role universities play in bridging the gaps between innovation and industry. Other topics covered and discussed with students and professors – participants to this event, by our Attorney at Law, Veli Hoti, were on how has technology transfer helped the economies of more developed countries? How can a country like Kosovo use the best practices for economic development, protecting creativity and promoting originality. This event was organized by the Career Center…
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Technology Transfer and the importance of Intellectual Property Rights for start-ups

Technology Transfer and the importance of Intellectual Property Rights for start-ups

Our Attorney at Law from LexTrust, Att. Veli Hoti, spoke at the training organized by the Marker Space Innovation Center in Prizren as part of the program “Idea-to-Scale”. Hoti trained participants on the topic of “Technology Transfer and the importance of Intellectual Property Rights”, where participants were taught on: Technology Transfer, Bayh-Dole Act, Negotiations, Commercialization of ideas/projects, trademarks, patents, copyright, industrial design, and trade secrets. One of the most important lessons shared for start-ups was how to use the current sources a company has, how to present the capabilities and potential the start-up has and will have in the future, so that in combination with the other party, both will benefit from the collaboration. Additionally, use of Non-Disclosure Agreements was pointed out as a key tool for saving the start-ups…
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Be aware from (ab)using the protected designation of origin. Case: “Sharri Cheese”

Be aware from (ab)using the protected designation of origin. Case: “Sharri Cheese”

The Association of Sharri Cheese Producers, represented by the President Mr. Faton Xhabale, has signed the Agreement on Legal Representation by Attorney at Law Veli Hoti, LexTrust LLC. This Agreement confirms the Attorney at Law Hoti, has the full Authorization to initiate any legal or judicial, administrative procedures, and any negotiation with certain parties, against all those infringing, abusing, and/or violating any rights by legal subjects of the Protected Designation of Origin named "Sharri Cheese" (Djathi i Sharrit in Albanian). Sharri Cheese is registered by the Decision No. Reg: 01, No. KS/TGj-EO/2020/4699 of the Industrial Property Agency, within the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade. Pursuant to Article 12 (Scope of protection) of Law No. 05/l-051 for geographical indications and designations of origin, registered designations of origin or geographical indications…
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Copyright, Challenges with ChatGPT, and Intellectual Property

Copyright, Challenges with ChatGPT, and Intellectual Property

The Managing Director of LexTrust LLC, Attorney Veli HOTI, interviewed by Kohavision at the 60 Minutes show. Attorney Hoti discussed intellectual property rights, recent technological developments, challenges and legal aspects of ChatGPT, and other issues related commercial matters. Part of the discussion was also the approval of the new draft law on Copyright and Related Rights in the Commission for Education and Culture within the Kosovo National Assembly, at the same time Attorney Hoti announced that this does not mean that up to now Kosovo no such a law in place. Recently, the European Union has adopted new legal framework in relation to broadcasting rights and copyright related rights. As a result, having in mind that pursuant to provisions of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, Kosovo is obliged to have…
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