Copyright, Challenges with ChatGPT, and Intellectual Property

The Managing Director of LexTrust LLC, Attorney Veli HOTI, interviewed by Kohavision at the 60 Minutes show. Attorney Hoti discussed intellectual property rights, recent technological developments, challenges and legal aspects of ChatGPT, and other issues related commercial matters.

Part of the discussion was also the approval of the new draft law on Copyright and Related Rights in the Commission for Education and Culture within the Kosovo National Assembly, at the same time Attorney Hoti announced that this does not mean that up to now Kosovo no such a law in place. Recently, the European Union has adopted new legal framework in relation to broadcasting rights and copyright related rights. As a result, having in mind that pursuant to provisions of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, Kosovo is obliged to have a legislation that provides “the same level of legal protection in the field of intellectual property rights as in the countries of the European Union “, therefore, the approval of the new copyright and related rights law is part of the obligation.

Among other matters, Attorney Hoti emphasized that in the past he was the legal representative of the famous Era Istrefi for the contracts that Era Istrefi signed with Sony, and Ultramusic.

Attorney Hoti also explained the cases when a singer may not be the owner of the song, may only be a performer/interpreter, and not enjoy any other rights.

To understand more about this interview, please follow the interview at this link

According to’s description, Attorney Hoti has considered challenging the legal confrontation with the generative artificial intelligence and ChatGPT. On Thursday on KTV’s “60 Minutes”, Hoti said that legal experts may encounter difficulties regarding it since robots and technology do not enjoy copyright for intellectual property and anything that is public and under public domain generated by the artificial intelligence.

The Link for the news on Koha.Net 60 minutes