Technology Transfer and the importance of Intellectual Property Rights for start-ups

Our Attorney at Law from LexTrust, Att. Veli Hoti, spoke at the training organized by the Marker Space Innovation Center in Prizren as part of the program “Idea-to-Scale”.

Hoti trained participants on the topic of “Technology Transfer and the importance of Intellectual Property Rights”, where participants were taught on: Technology Transfer, Bayh-Dole Act, Negotiations, Commercialization of ideas/projects, trademarks, patents, copyright, industrial design, and trade secrets.

One of the most important lessons shared for start-ups was how to use the current sources a company has, how to present the capabilities and potential the start-up has and will have in the future, so that in combination with the other party, both will benefit from the collaboration. Additionally, use of Non-Disclosure Agreements was pointed out as a key tool for saving the start-ups know-how and products. Certainly, each participant was advised to be very careful on the information they share with third parties, and even with other colleagues from other start-ups.

This training was followed up by individual legal consulting and mentoring for each start-up.

This training was supported by GIZ Kosovo, ITP Prizren, Digital Transformation Center dhe Prizren Municipality.